PNC Update: 3/20/24

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We on the Pastor Nominating Committee want to make sure that you are kept up to date on our process and progress.  We recognize that we will only be successful in recommending a new pastor for our church if we seek, and follow, God’s guidance.  We believe that He speaks to us through His word, through His Spirit and through His people.

Therefore, we deeply appreciate your comments and questions as He uses you.  To that end also, we have asked several people to come alongside us for part of this undertaking.  We have had conversations with Rick Harrison and Brian Wallace focusing on gathering information from and about our church that will better enable us to know who we are as a church, what we value, where we hope to be going in the future as a body of believers, and what we are looking for in a new pastor.

Additionally, we have spoken with Dave Kerr who is part of the Ministry Partnership Team for our ECO denomination.  The Presbytery is very willing to come alongside us in whatever way they can to give us guidance– with the very explicit understanding that they will not be telling us what to do or whom to recommend as a pastor.

The same is true for Rick and Brian.  They are willing to help, but it has been clearly stated by both the PNC and by them, that all decisions to be made are to be made solely by the PNC.

One of the steps we will be taking is to have individual oral input from some of our congregation through one-on-one interviews.  Our goal is to have 30 – 40 such interviews.  The majority, but not all, of those being interviewed will be people in leadership roles in the church. These will be conducted by Rick and Brian for two specific reasons.

  1. This is something they do for churches that are in the same process as we are.  They are able to gather information and put together that information in a form that will be useful for us.
  2. It is best to have someone who is not from our church doing the interviews, so that people who are interviewed are more likely to be open and forthright in expressing their views.  If we on the committee asked the questions it is more likely that some people would be more reticent to speak freely.  It is extremely important that the interviewees know they have anonymity.

All questions being asked are approved by the PNC, and every person interviewed will be asked the exact same questions.

Please feel free to contact anyone of the members of the Pastor Nominating Committee with any questions you may have.

To reach the Pastoral Nominating Committee or any of its members, please email us at

Members of the pastoral Nominating Committee are:

Bob Rose (Co-Chair)
Phyllis Thomas (Co-Chair)
Bill Dodge
Steve Ewert
Michelle Hagen
Lily Lee
Christina Melahn
Megan Prigmore
Isaac Rumohr
Daniel Takanishi