December 8th Update

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December 8 PNC Update to the Congregation


The PNC is still interviewing candidates. There have been some that we have decided not to continue the process with and others we are still working with. This is a lengthy process that includes multiple interviews with a candidate, making calls to references, possibly PNC members going to see candidates preach, and hours of prayer and discussion. It also includes conversations between candidates and representatives of ECO, who have their own set of steps with candidates who are in further stages of the process. When we are at the point where we feel that God has called us to recommend an individual to be the new pastor, we will present the candidate to you, he or she will preach during service, and there will be a congregational meeting where we will vote whether or not to extend a call. As with all of our congregational meetings, this will be announced a minimum of two Sundays ahead of time, and only people who are members of Sierra Vista may vote. Thank you for your continued prayers! The PNC’s first priority is listening for God’s voice through this process.